TrussCAD AutoCAD Plugin:
TrussCAD is a plug-in program for AutoCAD. It draws Timber Roof & Floor Trusses in your AutoCAD drawings, as well as roof battens and roof tiles, at lightning speed to save you a great amount of time.
The lines it generates can be totally edited in AutoCAD if required. All colours of the line work can be changed to suit your office standards.
Compatible with FULL versions of AutoCAD 2000 and higher.
Click Here for more information and to dowload the DEMO

Shadow Multi Cast AutoCAD Plugin:
Shadow Multi Cast for AutoCAD draws 2D shadow diagrams inside your AutoCAD drawings.
Shadow Mulit Cast generates shadow lines instantly for every hour of the Winter Solstice, Equinox and Summer Equinox instantly.
There are versions available for all States of Australia and also New Zealand. The lines it generates can be totally edited in AutoCAD if required. All colours of the line work can be changed to suit your office standards.
Compatible with FULL versions of AutoCAD 2002 and higher.
Click Here(Opens new website)